AMC Service

For the first time in the industry, Ino Solar Energy is providing panel cleaning and AMC services for the projects within and outside of Maharashtra. AMC is online solution provider to understand what is Solar and How we can save using Solar • Encourage more and more persons from Rural and undeveloped areas as well as Housewives to learn and start Business in Solar –As a Marketing Chanel Partner or Service Partner and Offer online courses on Solar Energy and Energy Conservation free to every user • Form a structured network of clients, service providers, equipment providers and product providers related to Solar Energy

AMC Service

We offer the best AMC services to our customers. AMC services are provided according to customer requirements. Our AMC services can be charged at a reasonable cost.

AMC services include maintenance and smooth functioning of equipment within the user department. You will have trained experienced and competent technical personnel to provide necessary preventive maintenance for the equipment according to benchmark maintenance practices / OEM manual and provide appropriate and efficient engineering services on the premises. Continuous efforts will be made to reduce downtime of equipment.
As part of the duties, we will ensure that all the equipment will be maintained at maximum operating levels. All scheduled maintenance necessary for the maintenance of the equipment will be made and the necessary tools and conflicts for the services will be provided to the personnel provided by us.

Our O&M services for solar power plant

The subtransmission voltage lines can then serve as a source to distribution substations. Sometimes, power is tapped from the subtransmission line for use in an industrial facility along the way. Otherwise, the power goes to a distribution substation.

AMC Solar Services

Solar panels cleaning at regular intervals as per the dust condition at the location. Clearing vegetation, removing shading from nearby trees, plants, etc. Proper electrical inspection, loose-connection (thermal imaging), string current, voltage, etc. Calibration of Sensors, SCADA, regular in the Monitoring system Checking the efficiency of the inverter and diagnosing abnormal behavior in the power plant. Alarm handling with a response time of 48 hours. We will Notify errors. Provide notification management of manufacturing defects, repairs/upgrades. Regular Report generation. Warranty claim assistance. some of the electrical components such as Mc4 connectors, fuses, electricals, inverters are provided by us.

Our AMC Services

Loofal Protech Solution provides AMC in Solar, AMC in electrical Maintenance, AMC of solar water heater, AMC of Solar power plant, AMC of solar panel cleaning, AMC for DG(diesel generator), AMC for lift(Passenger Lift). We provide AMC services in Jharkhand, Odisha, West-Bengal, Chattisgarh, Delhi, and Uttar-Pradesh. We are located in Jamshedpur and provide services to multiple cities