Solution For Home

Transmission line is the long conductor with special design (bundled) to carry bulk amount of generated power at very high voltage from one station to another as per variation of the voltage level.

Solution For Home

Solution For Home

Take the right step into the world of Solar Power Solutions with our Hassle-free and Easy Financing Schemes for both Residential Customers as well as SMEs and C&Is.

Solar Power means guaranteed savings on your electricity bills and more money to power your business needs.

A simple and cost-effective way to enhance your savings and pledge for a greener and cleaner environment.To Know More about our Smart Rooftop Solar Finance Schemes

Solution For Home

India is on the cusp of a solar revolution and we at Bramhand Electro Sun Energy Pvt. Ltd. Solar have been right at the forefront, leading the move towards sustainable energy solutions. Investing in rooftop solutions leads to great savings, while protecting the environment. Bramhand Electro Sun Energy Pvt. Ltd. offers solar rooftop for home. Save and Earn from your idle rooftop space.


Everyone needs to power their homes. Thus far we have mainly relied on traditional sources of power, but more and more homeowners are leaning towards solar power systems for their homes. With good reason, because there are tremendous benefits to having solar energy. Solar power offers huge savings. You save on expensive electricity bills, and with a short payback period, solar is an investment that actually pays you back. Not to mention the incredibly positive impact it has on the environment by reducing our carbon footprint. It’s no wonder therefore that so many homes proudly have solar panels on the roof. Vikram Solar Limited is a globally recognized leading solar energy solutions provider, and an active contributor in the world’s solar revolution. Their vast experience has made Vikram Solar a leading choice to go solar.

Solar power

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that is gaining ground because of the benefits it offers. In India, sunlight is available in abundance and there is technology available to harness this energy and convert it into electric power. Solar power panels serve the purpose of absorbing solar energy and converting it to electric power through the photovoltaic (PV) effect. Most homes have a roof or a backyard which can be utilized to install solar panels and produce electricity.

Essential elements of a home solar system

A home solar power plant comprises several elements which are as follows:

  • It requires the adequate number of solar panels to absorb as much solar energy as possible. When exposed to direct sunlight a typical home solar panel produces about 300 watts in one hour which means that in a normal day during summer, comprising 10 hours of sunlight, it can produce around 3000 watts or 3 kWh per day. This could vary depending on the number of hours of sunshine received during the day.

  • The system requires a battery which can be charged by the solar power generated and also can store electric power to be used in the night. Batteries are typically used in off-grid systems.

  • The system needs an inverter to convert the DC power generated to AC power so that it can be used by the appliances or devices in the home.

  • The entire home solar power system is interconnected with adequate and appropriate cabling and wiring to channelize the energy into a usable form.